Wearing Corduroy Pants & a Classic Checkered Coat

Trends I love to see coming back: corduroy. That velvety fabric so common in the 80's and so traumatizing for some. It was last year when I gave in, and since then my opinion stays the same: I love it! Here is my suggestion - an outfit in gray and earthy shades where the main highlight ate the corduroy pants and the classic checkered coat. All this mixed with beautiful nature details (it's spring already!).

Tendências que adoro ver de volta: a bombazine (bombazina, corduroy). Aquele tecido aveludado tão comum nos anos 80 e tão traumatizante para alguns. Foi em 2018 que me conquistou, e desde aí que a opinião se mantém: adoro! Eis a minha sugestão  um conjunto em tons cinza e terra onde dou destaque às calças de bombazine e ao sobretudo xadrez clássico. Tudo isto misturado com fotos de detalhes bonitos da natureza (já cheira a primavera!).

Trends I love to see coming back: corduroy. That velvety fabric so common in the 80's and so traumatizing for some. It was last year when I gave in, and since then my opinion stays the same: I love it! Here is my suggestion - an outfit in gray and earthy shades where the main highlight ate the corduroy pants and the classic checkered coat. All this mixed with beautiful nature details (it's spring already!).

Trends I love to see coming back: corduroy. That velvety fabric so common in the 80s and so traumatizing for some. It was last year when I gave in, and since then my opinion stays the same: I love it! Here is my suggestion - an outfit in gray and earthy shades where the main highlight are the corduroy pants and the classic checkered coat. All this mixed with beautiful nature details (it's spring already!).

Trends I love to see coming back: corduroy. That velvety fabric so common in the 80's and so traumatizing for some. It was last year when I gave in, and since then my opinion stays the same: I love it! Here is my suggestion - an outfit in gray and earthy shades where the main highlight ate the corduroy pants and the classic checkered coat. All this mixed with beautiful nature details (it's spring already!).
Trends I love to see coming back: corduroy. That velvety fabric so common in the 80's and so traumatizing for some. It was last year when I gave in, and since then my opinion stays the same: I love it! Here is my suggestion - an outfit in gray and earthy shades where the main highlight ate the corduroy pants and the classic checkered coat. All this mixed with beautiful nature details (it's spring already!).
Trends I love to see coming back: corduroy. That velvety fabric so common in the 80's and so traumatizing for some. It was last year when I gave in, and since then my opinion stays the same: I love it! Here is my suggestion - an outfit in gray and earthy shades where the main highlight ate the corduroy pants and the classic checkered coat. All this mixed with beautiful nature details (it's spring already!).
Long Checkered Coat / Shein (Size M)

O casaco xadrez chegou da Shein (as calças também são de lá) e é nada mais que uma peça clássica e básica que depressa se tornou num favorito. Usei-o vezes sem fim até finalmente fotografar com ele. Entretanto só parei porque o calor já se instalou e as camadas de roupa foram oficialmente postas de lado (vou ter saudades, confesso). 

O meu modo favorito de conjugar o sobretudo é em conjuntos all black. No entanto, neste dia fugi para uma vibe diferente e fiquei-me por estes tons secos de que tanto gosto.

Trends I love to see coming back: corduroy. That velvety fabric so common in the 80's and so traumatizing for some. It was last year when I gave in, and since then my opinion stays the same: I love it! Here is my suggestion - an outfit in gray and earthy shades where the main highlight ate the corduroy pants and the classic checkered coat. All this mixed with beautiful nature details (it's spring already!).

Perfect for Fall/Winter  a checkered coat can be a very versatile piece.

The checkered coat is from Shein (so are the pants) and is nothing more than a classic and basic piece that quickly became a favorite of mine. I wore it endlessly until I finally photographed with it. I only stopped because the warm weather is coming and the clothing layers are officially set aside (I'll miss it, I admit).

My favorite way to wear this long plaid coat is in all black outfits. However, on this day I fled to a different vibe and wore these brown and grayish shades that I love so much.

Trends I love to see coming back: corduroy. That velvety fabric so common in the 80's and so traumatizing for some. It was last year when I gave in, and since then my opinion stays the same: I love it! Here is my suggestion - an outfit in gray and earthy shades where the main highlight ate the corduroy pants and the classic checkered coat. All this mixed with beautiful nature details (it's spring already!).
Trends I love to see coming back: corduroy. That velvety fabric so common in the 80's and so traumatizing for some. It was last year when I gave in, and since then my opinion stays the same: I love it! Here is my suggestion - an outfit in gray and earthy shades where the main highlight ate the corduroy pants and the classic checkered coat. All this mixed with beautiful nature details (it's spring already!).

As calças foram uma escolha mais arriscada. São oversized e extremamente subidas (points for that). Por serem largas, gosto de equilibrar com uma camisola mais justa. De resto, adiciono um cinto (maioritariamente por ser necessário, dado que as calças são realmente oversized) e eis o meu conjunto final. 

Sei que estamos no início da primavera, mas este conjunto é a cara do outono!

Trends I love to see coming back: corduroy. That velvety fabric so common in the 80's and so traumatizing for some. It was last year when I gave in, and since then my opinion stays the same: I love it! Here is my suggestion - an outfit in gray and earthy shades where the main highlight ate the corduroy pants and the classic checkered coat. All this mixed with beautiful nature details (it's spring already!).
Trends I love to see coming back: corduroy. That velvety fabric so common in the 80's and so traumatizing for some. It was last year when I gave in, and since then my opinion stays the same: I love it! Here is my suggestion - an outfit in gray and earthy shades where the main highlight ate the corduroy pants and the classic checkered coat. All this mixed with beautiful nature details (it's spring already!).

Classic, comfy & a bit vintage.

The pants were a more "risky" choice. They are oversized and extremely high waisted (points for that). Since they are so loose, I like to keep balance by wearing a tighter top. For the rest of the outfit, I add a belt (mostly because I need it, since the pants are really oversized) and here's the final result.

Get an extra 10% off when the order's over $60 on SHEIN: "thefancy10".

Trends I love to see coming back: corduroy. That velvety fabric so common in the 80's and so traumatizing for some. It was last year when I gave in, and since then my opinion stays the same: I love it! Here is my suggestion - an outfit in gray and earthy shades where the main highlight ate the corduroy pants and the classic checkered coat. All this mixed with beautiful nature details (it's spring already!).

Trends I love to see coming back: corduroy. That velvety fabric so common in the 80's and so traumatizing for some. It was last year when I gave in, and since then my opinion stays the same: I love it! Here is my suggestion - an outfit in gray and earthy shades where the main highlight ate the corduroy pants and the classic checkered coat. All this mixed with beautiful nature details (it's spring already!).

I'm wearing:
Checkered Coat: c/o Shein
Khaki Corduroy Pants: c/o Shein


What's your opinion on corduroy? Would you wear this outfit?
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What's your opinion?

  1. Linda! Fizeste uma óptima conjugação, e estas fotos estão de morrer <3 eu cá confesso, ainda não ultrapassei o trauma da bombazina :p


  2. Lol é como disseste, eu tenho recordações traumatizantes das calças bombazine. Mas a ti ficam super bem, e gosto de ver o estilo oversize :). As fotos estão lindas! E esse casaco é perfeito para o inverno e muito clássico, acho que também iria apostar num look todo preto com o casaco.

    Stephanie's Daily Beauty

  3. Esse outfit é mesmo a cara do outono! Eu confesso, não sou nada fã de bombazina, nadaaa mesmo! Mas em ti ficou mesmo bem as calças babe!

  4. Oh que linda, adorei o padrão desse casaco
    Novo post
    Tem post novos todos os dias

  5. Adorei o outfit! Para mim a bombazine já foi um tecido traumatizante, quando era nova odiava calças de bombazine e a minha mãe obrigava-me a usar! Hoje em dia adoro ver!


  6. Muito bonita!


  7. Gostei muito do look! :)


  8. Eu sou daqueles traumatizados com a bombazine, nem consigo pensar voltar a usar, não consigo gostar, é o que dá usar-se coisas obrigado em criança.
    Adoro o teu casaco e gosto muito da cor dessa camisola, tem sido das minhas cores preferidas ☺️


  9. Lindo look!

  10. mas que blazer lindo, mesmo outono!

    Ana C, www.adreamersland.com
