Two Looks: Faux Leather + Comfy Hoodie & Mustard Bell Sleeves

With no big surprises, today I share two comfortable and casual suggestion looks (something common whenever I share outfits). All the main clothes are from Femme Luxe, and although knits and other warm clothes continue to dominate my outfits, both of them already have a springy touch - even if it's just for the flowers around, because truth be told, it wouldn't stop raining and the sun didn't want to show up.

Sem grandes surpresas, hoje trago duas sugestões de looks extremamente confortáveis e casuais (algo comum nas minhas partilhas de looks). Todas as peças destaque são da Femme Luxe e, ainda que as malhas e outras roupitas quentes continuem a dominar os meus outfits, ambos os conjuntos têm um toque primaveril  nem que seja pelas flores em redor, porque verdade seja dita, não parou de chover e o sol não quis dar a cara.

With no big surprises, today I share two comfortable and casual suggestion looks (something common whenever I share outfits). All the main clothes are from Femme Luxe, and although knits and other warm clothes continue to dominate my outfits, both of them already have a springy touch - even if it's just for the flowers around, because truth be told, it wouldn't stop raining and the sun didn't want to show up.

With no big surprises, today I share two comfortable and casual suggestion looks (something common whenever I share outfits). All the main clothes are from Femme Luxe, and although knits and other warm clothes continue to dominate my outfits, both of them already have a springy touch - even if it's just for the flowers around, because truth be told, it wouldn't stop raining and the sun didn't want to show up.

With no big surprises, today I share two comfortable and casual suggestion looks (something common whenever I share outfits). All the main clothes are from Femme Luxe, and although knits and other warm clothes continue to dominate my outfits, both of them already have a springy touch - even if it's just for the flowers around, because truth be told, it wouldn't stop raining and the sun didn't want to show up.

Enquanto o calor não chega, vou aproveitando para abusar das malhas e das peças mais quentes. Esta camisola, por ser tão loose & flowy, acaba por ser uma malha leve, adequada à temperatura incerta desta primavera. O detalhe das mangas soltas e flutuantes foi o que realmente me conquistou  isso e a cor amarelo mostarda. 

Gosto de conjugá-la com basic jeans, ou, como neste dia, com ripped jeans escuras.

With no big surprises, today I share two comfortable and casual suggestion looks (something common whenever I share outfits). All the main clothes are from Femme Luxe, and although knits and other warm clothes continue to dominate my outfits, both of them already have a springy touch - even if it's just for the flowers around, because truth be told, it wouldn't stop raining and the sun didn't want to show up.

While summer doesn't arrive, I'm going to take advantage of it to wear knits and warmer clothes. This sweater, because it is so loose & flowy, turns out to be a light knit, perfectly suited for the uncertain temperature of this spring. The detail of the loose and "floating" bell sleeves was what really caught my attention - that and the mustard yellow color.

I like to pair it with basic jeans, or, like on this day, with ripped dark jeans.

Find more knit jumpers on Femme Luxe.

With no big surprises, today I share two comfortable and casual suggestion looks (something common whenever I share outfits). All the main clothes are from Femme Luxe, and although knits and other warm clothes continue to dominate my outfits, both of them already have a springy touch - even if it's just for the flowers around, because truth be told, it wouldn't stop raining and the sun didn't want to show up.

With no big surprises, today I share two comfortable and casual suggestion looks (something common whenever I share outfits). All the main clothes are from Femme Luxe, and although knits and other warm clothes continue to dominate my outfits, both of them already have a springy touch - even if it's just for the flowers around, because truth be told, it wouldn't stop raining and the sun didn't want to show up.

Este hoodie é a coisa mais macia e quentinha de sempre! Apesar de cropped, o tecido é muito fofo e comfy. Perfeito para looks off-duty  os meus looks de eleição, ou, como lhes gosto de chamar, os meus outfits de fim de semana. Escolhi a cor khaki, mas esta sweatshirt existe em cinco tons diferentes.

Faux leather leggings não é a minha trend favorita, mas quando vi estas em cor de vinho quis-lhes dar uma hipótese, e, na verdade, gostei do resultado. Acho que depende muito de como as faux leather leggings são conjugadas, mas em modo sporty look é provavelmente o meu modo favorito  ou com oversized sweaters e camisas mais compridas.

The perfect hoodie for off-duty looks.

With no big surprises, today I share two comfortable and casual suggestion looks (something common whenever I share outfits). All the main clothes are from Femme Luxe, and although knits and other warm clothes continue to dominate my outfits, both of them already have a springy touch - even if it's just for the flowers around, because truth be told, it wouldn't stop raining and the sun didn't want to show up.

This hoodie is the softest and warmest ever! Although cropped, the fabric is very fuzzy and comfy. Perfect for off-duty looks - my favorite looks or, as I like to call them, my weekend outfits. I chose the khaki color, but this sweatshirt exists in five different shades.

Faux leather leggings are not my favorite trend, but when I saw these in this wine shade I wanted to give them a chance, and I actually liked the result. I think it depends a lot on how the faux leather leggings are paired, but in this kind of "sporty look" is perhaps my favorite way (or with oversized sweaters and longer shirts).

Find more trendy faux leather pieces on Femme Luxe.

With no big surprises, today I share two comfortable and casual suggestion looks (something common whenever I share outfits). All the main clothes are from Femme Luxe, and although knits and other warm clothes continue to dominate my outfits, both of them already have a springy touch - even if it's just for the flowers around, because truth be told, it wouldn't stop raining and the sun didn't want to show up.

Qual é o vosso look favorito? E a peça?
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What's your opinion?

  1. Que linda, adoro o teu conjunto
    Novo post
    Tem post novos todos os dias

  2. Gostei muito dessa camisola amarelo mostarda! 😄

  3. Spectacular photos! I like it very much in this bold and very fashionable style, I love your leggings !

  4. Adoro a mostarda :)

  5. You look amazing, I love faux leather incorporated in looks! :D

  6. Adorei os dois looks! A minha peça preferida é sem dúvida o hoodie!


  7. Ameii as leggings faux leather!! Adorei a cor e adorei como as combinaste!! Ficou super giro!

    Beijinhos, Mónica.
    Black Rainbow // Instagram

  8. A camisola é tão bonita! Fica-te muito bem!


  9. Adorei a camisola mostarda! :D

  10. essa camisola de malha é muito linda, bem fora do comum!!!


  11. Oh I love it your style
    The sweater is super cute

  12. Linda blusa mostarda.

  13. A camisola amarelo mostarda é maravilhosa! Fica-te tão bem a cor!
