90s Inspired Look + The Best Lip Glosses on the Market

This 90s inspired look seemed to me the perfect tip to talk about my favorite lip glosses, since they were such a statement in the 90s and early 2000s. Although my opinion has varied over time, I think it is the type of lip product that you love or hate. I love it! Whether alone, or on top of another lipstick, I love a good moisturizing gloss. These are my three favorites. I found two of them in 2019 and the most recent one this year.

Este 90s inspired look pareceu-me a dica perfeita para falar dos meus lip glosses favoritos, não fossem eles um statement nos anos 90 e inícios de 2000. Apesar da minha opinião ter variado com o tempo, acho que é o tipo de lip product que ou se adora ou se odeia. Eu adoro! Seja por si só, ou por cima de um batom de cor, adoro um bom gloss hidratante. Estes três são os meus favoritos. Dois já foram descobertas de 2019 e, o mais recente, deste ano.

This 90s inspired look seemed to me the perfect tip to talk about my favorite lip glosses, since they were such a statement in the 90s and early 2000s. Although my opinion has varied over time, I think it is the type of lip product that you love or hate. I love it! Whether alone, or on top of another lipstick, I love a good moisturizing gloss. These are my three favorites. I found two of them in 2019 and the most recent one this year.

This 90s inspired look seemed to me the perfect tip to talk about my favorite lip glosses, since they were such a statement in the 90s and early 2000s. Although my opinion has varied over time, I think it is the type of lip product that you love or hate. I love it! Whether alone, or on top of another lipstick, I love a good moisturizing gloss. These are my three favorites. I found two of them in 2019 and the most recent one this year.

This 90s inspired look seemed to me the perfect tip to talk about my favorite lip glosses, since they were such a statement in the 90s and early 2000s. Although my opinion has varied over time, I think it is the type of lip product that you love or hate. I love it! Whether alone, or on top of another lipstick, I love a good moisturizing gloss. These are my three favorites. I found two of them in 2019 and the most recent one this year.
Black Cropped Long Sleeve Jumper / Femme Luxe*, jeans from Pull&Bear

Ninguém gosta de glosses peganhentos, com aquela constante sensação a colar. Acredito que seja essa a ideia que muitas pessoas têm, ao pensar em lip gloss. A verdade é que a trend dos glossy lips voltou, e não é difícil encontrar bons glosses no mercado  e estes são os melhores! É claro que não experimentei tudo o que existe à venda (a Kiko também tem uns super confortáveis). 😁 Mas acreditem, estes são incríveis. Creio que o meu amor por lip glosses cresceu especialmente desde que comecei a usar aparelho ortodôntico (vou no 5º mês!), talvez por sentir mais necessidade em manter os lábios hidratados.
Bringing back the 90s trends - glossy lips & acid wash jeans.

Nobody likes sticky glosses, with that constant uncomfortable feeling. I believe that this is the idea that many people have, when thinking about lip gloss. The truth is that the trend of glossy lips is back, and it is not difficult to find good glosses on the market  and these are the best! Of course, I didn't try everything that exists (Kiko also has some very comfortable glosses). But believe me, these are incredible. I believe that my love for lip glosses has grown especially since I started using braces (this is my 5th month!), maybe for feeling a constant need to keep my lips hydrated.

Fenty Beauty Gloss Bomb Universal Lip Luminizer “Fenty Glow”, Jeffree Star Cosmetics The Gloss “Legends Only” & “Sequin Glass”
Fenty Beauty Gloss Bomb Universal Lip Luminizer Fenty Glow, Jeffree Star Cosmetics The Gloss Legends Only & Sequin Glass

Uso e abuso de Jeffree Star Cosmetics. Adoro praticamente tudo o que já experimentei até hoje (tirando um ou outro batom), e é raro desiludir-me. Sabia que os The Gloss seriam, muito provavelmente, uma paixão imediata. E foram! Experimentei o Legends Only primeiro  um tom nude & sheer, de acabamento extreme shine”, e rendi-me de imediato. Extremamente confortável, hidratante, e com aquele toque de cor suavizante, perfeita para o dia a dia. Mais tarde quis-me aventurar com um gloss de acabamento glitter fantasy, e escolhi o Sequin Glass  um tom de fundo acinzentado com pérolas multidimensionais. Simplesmente lindo. Fica perfeito sozinho, ou por cima de qualquer batom. Stunning! Ah, e têm um cheiro doce irresistível. Compro Jeffree Star Cosmetics na Beauty Bay e na Maquibeauty.

Fenty Beauty Gloss Bomb Universal Lip Luminizer “Fenty Glow”, Jeffree Star Cosmetics The Gloss “Legends Only” & “Sequin Glass” shades swatches

No mês passado parei de resistir e comprei, finalmente, um lip luminizer da Fenty Beauty na Sephora. 

A escolha não foi fácil, mas acabei por optar pelo tom Fenty GlowNão sei descrevê-lo, mas é um nude perolado simplesmente incrível que fica perfeito nos lábios. Não sei se é da manteiga carité que a sua composição contém, mas a hidratação é de outro mundo. Consigo estar a manhã inteira sem sentir necessidade de voltar a aplicar (mesmo comendo e bebendo, sem fazer uma refeição completa, claro). E o aroma? Ainda mais doce que os do Jeffree Star. Um mix entre pêssego e baunilha fantástico e irresistível.

90s Inspired Look + The Best Lip Glosses on the Market fenty beauty fenty glow jeffree star legens only sequin glass lip shades swatches

I wear so much Jeffree Star Cosmetics. I love practically everything I have tried to date, and it is rare to be disappointed. I knew that The Gloss would most likely be an immediate love. And they were! I tried “Legends Only” first  a nude & sheer shade of “extreme shine” finish, and I fell for it immediately. Extremely comfortable, moisturizing, and with that touch of soothing color, perfect for everyday life. Later I wanted to venture out with a “glitter fantasy” finishing gloss, and I chose “Sequin Glass”  a grayish background tone with multidimensional pearls. Simply gorgeous. It looks perfect alone, or on top of any lipstick. Stunning! Oh, and they have an irresistible sweet scent.

Last month I stopped resisting and finally bought a lip luminizer from Fenty Beauty on Sephora. 

The choice was not easy, but I ended up going for the “Fenty Glow” shade. I can't describe it, but it is a simply incredible pearly nude that looks perfect on the lips. I don't know if it's the shea butter that is in its composition, but the hydration is out of this world. I can be all morning without feeling the need to re-apply (even eating and drinking, without having a complete meal, of course). And the scent? Even sweeter than Jeffree Star's. A fantastic and irresistible mix of peach and vanilla.

Fenty Beauty Gloss Bomb Universal Lip Luminizer “Fenty Glow”, Jeffree Star Cosmetics The Gloss “Legends Only” & “Sequin Glass”

Falemos no packaging: ambos lindos e elegantes, com os detalhes mais perfeitos. Os aplicadores são bastante diferentes entre si, mas igualmente práticos. O da Fenty Beauty, como é mais gordinho, contém sempre mais produto, e um swipe é o que basta. O aplicador do Jeffree é mais fininho, e geralmente faço dois swipes para uns full glossy lips

Estes glosses não têm defeitos. Talvez o único defeito que posso apontar seja o preço, que não é o mais friendly: The Gloss by Jeffree Star Cosmetics 16,95 € (a Beauty Bay faz imensas promoções, o segundo que comprei não passou dos 10 €) e o Gloss Bomb Universal Lip Luminizer by Fenty Beauty 18,90€.

Let's talk about the packaging: both beautiful and elegant, with the most perfect details. The applicators are quite different from each other, but equally practical. The one from Fenty Beauty, as it is more “chubby”, always contains more product, and a swipe is enough. Jeffree's applicator is thinner, and I usually do two swipes for full glossy lips.

Let's talk about the packaging: both beautiful and elegant, with the most perfect details. The applicators are quite different from each other, but equally practical. The one from Fenty Beauty, as it is more chubby, always contains more product, and a swipe is enough. Jeffree's applicator is thinner, and I usually do two swipes for full glossy lips.

These glosses have no defects. Perhaps the only defect that I can point out is the price, which is not the most friendly: The Gloss by Jeffree Star Cosmetics €16.95 (Beauty Bay does a lot of promotions, the second one I bought was no more than €10) and the Gloss Bomb Universal Lip Luminizer by Fenty Beauty €18.90.

As for my outfit - I have the most adorable socks ever, right? I'm a 90s baby and I grew up watching Pink Panther, my favorite childhood cartoons. Unfortunately I don't have a direct link, but I bought these socks a few years ago on ebay. I put together some chunky sneakers alluding to the 90s with my acid wash mom jeans + this basic sweatshirt from Femme Luxe - soft, warm, and BAM, this is a look inspired on the nineties. I believe that these denim jeans are what makes you think immediately at that time period - 80s / 90s, in fact.

Quanto ao meu outfit  tenho as meias mais adoráveis de sempre, right? Sou um 90s baby e cresci a ver Pantera Cor de Rosa, os meus desenhos animados favoritos da infância. Infelizmente não tenho o link direto, mas comprei estas meias há uns anos no ebay.

Juntei uns chunky sneakers alusivos aos 90s com as minhas acid wash mom jeans (foram uma compra dos saldos) + esta sweatshirt básica da Femme Luxe  macia, quentinha, e dá com tudo, e BAM, eis um look meio inspirado nos anos noventa. Creio que a ganga é o que faz pensar imediatamente nessa época  80s/90s, na verdade.

As for my outfit - I have the most adorable socks ever, right? I'm a 90s baby and I grew up watching Pink Panther, my favorite childhood cartoons. Unfortunately I don't have a direct link, but I bought these socks a few years ago on ebay. I put together some chunky sneakers alluding to the 90s with my acid wash mom jeans + this basic sweatshirt from Femme Luxe - soft, warm, and BAM, this is a look inspired on the nineties. I believe that these denim jeans are what makes you think immediately at that time period - 80s / 90s, in fact.

As for my outfit - I have the most adorable socks ever, right? I'm a 90s baby and I grew up watching Pink Panther, my favorite childhood cartoons. Unfortunately I don't have a direct link, but I bought these socks a few years ago on ebay. I put together some chunky sneakers alluding to the 90s with my acid wash mom jeans + this basic sweatshirt from Femme Luxe - soft, warm, and BAM, this is a look inspired on the nineties. I believe that these denim jeans are what makes you think immediately at that time period - 80s / 90s, in fact.
*marked items were sent to me by the brand.

São fãs de lip gloss? Se sim, qual o melhor que já experimentaram?
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What's your opinion?

  1. The jeans are so cute and the highlighter on your cheekbones look so nice! :)

  2. Eu sou aquele tipo de pessoa que odeia lip gloss xD. Acho que não favorecem os meus lábios, prefiro usar batom matte, mas a ti fica-te muito bem :).
    Blog: Life of Cherry

  3. Hello! You so beautiful! You look marvellous lovely! https://mariakaraevaofficial.blogspot.com/

  4. Very interesting and informative!!!)

  5. Eu não dispenso do meu dia a dia, como tenho os lábios um pouco finos opto sempre por um lip gloss. Costumo usar os da h&m são super em conta.
    Beijinhos, welovecr.blogspot.com

  6. Amei o da Fenty Beauty, tenho um igual e é absolutamente delicioso. <3

    Ana C, http://www.adreamersland.com

  7. Que saudades da minha Dri! :') Adorei este post. Ando há imenso tempo a pensar se devo ou não comprar um gloss. Devo dizer que o teu post me deixou cheia de vontade! Gostei sobretudo do Sequin Glass. E deixa-me dizer-te que o teu look grita mesmo anos 90. Estás tão gira *.*
    Beijinho ❤
