Natural Deep Cleansing Oil by Skin Watchers (K-Beauty)

Lately (almost) always I talk about skincare, I mention Korean products. This has a reason: K-beauty is a constantly growing addiction. I have tried such good and effective products that quickly become favorites that I want to try more and more. Today's product is a Skin Watchers cleansing oil. It is precisely the first product that I've tried from this brand, and I do not intend for it to be the last. Skin Watchers is cruelty-free.

Ultimamente (quase) sempre que falo de skincare, menciono produtos Coreanos. Isso tem uma razão de ser: K-Beauty é um vício em constante crescimento. Tenho experimentado produtos tão bons e eficazes, que depressa se transformam em favoritos. O produto de hoje trata-se de um óleo de limpeza da Skin Watchers. É precisamente o primeiro produto que experimento da marca, e não pretendo ficar-me por aqui. A Skin Watchers é cruelty-free.

Lately (almost) always I talk about skincare, I mention Korean products. This has a reason: K-beauty is a constantly growing addiction. I have tried such good and effective products that quickly become favorites that I want to try more and more. Today's product is a Skin Watchers cleansing oil. It is precisely the first product that I've tried from this brand, and I do not intend for it to be the last. Skin Watchers is cruelty-free.

Lately (almost) everytime I talk about skincare, I mention Korean products. This has a reason: K-beauty is a constantly growing addiction. I have tried such good and effective products that quickly become favorites that I want to try more and more. Today's product is a Skin Watchers cleansing oil. It is precisely the first product that I've tried from this brand, and I do not intend for it to be the last. Skin Watchers is cruelty-free.

"Skin Watchers Natural Deep Cleansing Oil is a natural cleansing oil that is formulated with Natural Apricot Oil, Macadamia Seed Oil, Meadowfoam Seed Oil, and Bergamot Oil. "
"Skin Watchers Natural Deep Cleansing Oil is a natural cleansing oil that is formulated with Natural Apricot Oil, Macadamia Seed Oil, Meadowfoam Seed Oil, and Bergamot Oil. "

"Skin Watchers Natural Deep Cleansing Oil is a natural cleansing oil that is formulated with Natural Apricot Oil, Macadamia Seed Oil, Meadowfoam Seed Oil, and Bergamot Oil. "

Até à data, nunca tinha experimentado nenhum óleo de limpeza (sem contar com óleo de coco), mas, após esta experiência, vou definitivamente recorrer mais a óleos na hora de limpar (e desmaquilhar) o rosto. Promete limpar a pele em profundidade, remover pontos negros e células mortas, enquanto hidrata e protege a pele. O óleo de semente de damasco contém vitamina E, cujo objetivo passa por deixar a pele resiliente, limpa e glowy. É water-soluble, pelo que se dissolve em contacto com água (como dá para ver na foto abaixo). Assim que passamos com água, transforma-se numa consistência semelhante à de um leite de limpeza, que sai com imensa facilidade.

It claims to cleanse the skin thoroughly, remove blackheads and dead cells, while moisturizing and protecting the skin. Apricot seed oil contains vitamin E, whose goal is to leave the skin resilient, clean and glowy. It is water-soluble, so it dissolves in contact with water (as you can see in the picture above). As soon as it touches water, it becomes a consistency similar to a cleansing milk, which is very easy to remove from the skin.

Until now, I have never tried any cleansing oil (except coconut oil), but after this experience, I will definitely use more oils to cleanse and remove makeup. It claims to cleanse the skin thoroughly, remove blackheads and dead cells, while moisturizing and protecting the skin. Apricot seed oil contains vitamin E, whose goal is to leave the skin resilient, clean and glowy. It is water-soluble, so it dissolves in contact with water (as you can see in the picture above). As soon as it touches water, it becomes a consistency similar to a cleansing milk, which is very easy to remove from the skin.

It claims to cleanse the skin thoroughly, remove blackheads and dead cells, while moisturizing and protecting the skin. Apricot seed oil contains vitamin E, whose goal is to leave the skin resilient, clean and glowy. It is water-soluble, so it dissolves in contact with water (as you can see in the picture above). As soon as it touches water, it becomes a consistency similar to a cleansing milk, which is very easy to remove from the skin.

Como o utilizo

O pump não é extremamente amigável, confesso. Tento sempre retirar produto o mais perto possível da mão para não salpicar para todos os lados (pormenores). Gosto de o utilizar na rotina de noite, ao remover a maquilhagem e limpar o rosto. Geralmente utilizo 1-2 pumps. Massajo por todo o rosto (evito passar diretamente nos olhos com as mãos, porque ao espalhar não é muito agradável, para usar nos olhos prefiro optar por aplicar primeiro num disco ou usar um desmaquilhante de olhos à parte) e depois de sentir que está tudo bem derretido, passo então por água. E, como gosto de sentir a pele totalmente limpa, ainda utilizo gel de limpeza e tónico. No entanto, se não estiver a usar maquilhagem, sinto que o óleo é mais que suficiente. 

Sei que pode parecer assustador por se tratar de um óleo (especialmente para quem tem pele oleosa ou, como eu, acne), mas já o estou a utilizar desde agosto e não tenho razões de queixa. Não é de modo algum pesado, a textura é muito leve e suave, e não tive nenhum breakout. Sempre que o utilizo sinto a pele muito suave e, até, mais hidratada. É realmente muito bom a derreter maquilhagem, e tem um cheiro muito agradável e frutado. Rendi-me a este óleo de limpeza.

How I use it    The pump is not very friendly, I admit. I always try to pump it as close to my hand as possible so that it does not splash everywhere. I like to use it in my evening routine, when I remove the make-up and cleanse the face. Usually I use 1-2 pumps. I massage it all over the face. I know it may seem scary because it is an oil (especially for those who have oily skin or, like me, acne), but I have been using it since August and I have no reason to complain. It's not at all heavy, the texture is very light and smooth, and I had no clogged pores and breakouts. Whenever I use it I feel my skin very soft and even more hydrated. It really is amazing to "melt" makeup, and has a very nice and fruity scent. I'm in love with this cleansing oil.

How I use it

The pump is not very friendly, I admit. I always try to pump it as close to my hand as possible so that it does not splash everywhere. I like to use it in my evening routine, when I remove the make-up and cleanse the face. Usually I use 1-2 pumps. I massage it all over the face (I avoid passing directly in the eyes with my hands, because when spreading, it is not very pleasant. To use in the eyes I prefer to apply first in a pad or use a different eye makeup remover) and after feeling that everything is melted, I rinse through water. And, as I like to feel the skin totally clean, I still use cleansing gel and toner afterwards. However, if you are not wearing make-up, I feel the oil is more than enough.

I know it may seem scary because it is an oil (especially for those who have oily skin or, like me, acne), but I have been using it since August and I have no reason to complain. It's not at all heavy, the texture is very light and smooth, and I had no clogged pores and breakouts. Whenever I use it I feel my skin very soft and even more hydrated. It really is amazing to "melt" makeup, and has a very nice and fruity scent. I'm in love with this cleansing oil.

How I use it    The pump is not very friendly, I admit. I always try to pump it as close to my hand as possible so that it does not splash everywhere. I like to use it in my evening routine, when I remove the make-up and cleanse the face. Usually I use 1-2 pumps. I massage it all over the face. I know it may seem scary because it is an oil (especially for those who have oily skin or, like me, acne), but I have been using it since August and I have no reason to complain. It's not at all heavy, the texture is very light and smooth, and I had no clogged pores and breakouts. Whenever I use it I feel my skin very soft and even more hydrated. It really is amazing to "melt" makeup, and has a very nice and fruity scent. I'm in love with this cleansing oil.
How I use it    The pump is not very friendly, I admit. I always try to pump it as close to my hand as possible so that it does not splash everywhere. I like to use it in my evening routine, when I remove the make-up and cleanse the face. Usually I use 1-2 pumps. I massage it all over the face. I know it may seem scary because it is an oil (especially for those who have oily skin or, like me, acne), but I have been using it since August and I have no reason to complain. It's not at all heavy, the texture is very light and smooth, and I had no clogged pores and breakouts. Whenever I use it I feel my skin very soft and even more hydrated. It really is amazing to "melt" makeup, and has a very nice and fruity scent. I'm in love with this cleansing oil.


Cetyl Ethylhexanoate, Apricot Seed Oil, Macadamia Integrifolia Seed Oil, Limnanthes Alba (Meadowfoam) Seed Oil, PEG-20 Glyceryl Triisostearate, Cyclomethicone, Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E), Citrus Aurantium Bergamia (Bergamot) Fruit Oil
For information about each ingredient, check Skincarisma.

Não encontrei informações diretas que confirmassem se este produto é ou não vegan. Fiz uma breve pesquisa acerca da listagem de ingredientes, e, de acordo com o Double Check Vegan, a Vitamina E (Tocopheryl Acetate) é o único ingrediente presente que pode ser derivado de plantas, animais, ou sintetizado. A marca menciona que a Vitamina E está presente no óleo de semente de damasco, mas, ainda assim, é impossível precisar de onde vem aquele ingrediente sem confirmar com o fornecedor (se encontrar mais informações atualizo). Ainda assim, é importante reforçar que a Skin Watchers é cruelty-free. Podem encontrar este óleo de limpeza à venda na Jolse, por cerca de 20 €.

I did not find direct information to confirm whether this product is vegan. I did a brief research of the ingredient listing, and according to Double Check Vegan, Vitamin E (Tocopheryl Acetate) is the only ingredient present that can be derived from plants, animals, or synthesized. The brand itself mentions that Vitamin E is present in apricot seed oil, but it is still impossible to say the origin of that ingredient without confirming with the manufacturer (if I find more information I will update). Still, it's important to reinforce that Skin Watchers is cruelty-free.

Do you use any cleansing oil in your routine? Did you already know Skin Watchers?

I did not find direct information to confirm whether this product is vegan. I did a brief research of the ingredient listing, and according to Double Check Vegan, Vitamin E (Tocopheryl Acetate) is the only ingredient present that can be derived from plants, animals, or synthesized. The brand itself mentions that Vitamin E is present in apricot seed oil, but it is still impossible to say the origin of that ingredient without confirming with the manufacturer (if I find more information I will update). Still, it's important to reinforce that Skin Watchers is cruelty-free.
(I have combination skin that lately has been more on the dry side.)

This product is available on Jolse, for $24.

Utilizam algum óleo de limpeza na vossa rotina? Já conheciam a Skin Watchers?
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What's your opinion?

  1. Quando comecei a ler o teu post perguntei-me logo se este produto seria bom ou não para a pele oleosa (apesar de a minha não o ser a 100%)... Mas depois tiraste-me logo as dúvidas ahah!
    Já quero experimentar um óleo de limpeza há imenso tempo, mas ainda não o fiz... Depois de ler tanta coisa boa, talvez seja desta vez ahah! 😋
    Beijinhos do Blog I'm Patrícia Silva!! 😘

  2. Estou como tu querida, adoro os produtos de skincare coreanos, eles têm muito cuidado e atenção no que diz respeito a este assunto.

  3. Confesso que não conhecia mesmo esse produto, mas gostei bastante
    Novo post //Intagram
    Tem post novos todos os dias

  4. Não conhecia fiquei bastante curiosa com o produto

  5. Esse óleo parece incrível!! Adoraria experimentar.😘

  6. Nunca vi dele aqui no Brasil, mas vou procurar. Gostei bastante da sua resenha.


    Algumas Observações

  7. Wonderful post, dear! ♥ I really liked it!
    Hugs ♥

  8. I rarely use cleansing oil but I do love korean beauty products, everything I tried so far has been amazing for my skin!


  9. Super article and great thing. I follow you. Follow me back?

  10. Looking great!
    Have a nice week-end!
    Gil Zetbase

  11. Looks really interesting ;) I want to try it

  12. Amazing product. Looks like really wonderful!

  13. ótima dica!

  14. Não conhecia, mas fiquei curiosa! :)

  15. Amazing one .. Even baby oils make for a good make up remover...

  16. Gosto muito de óleos de limpeza, só que fazem-me um pouco de impressão nos olhos. Sou tão tonta que nem nunca me lembrei de aplicar com algodão, só na parte dos olhos, ahahah!
    Blog An Aesthetic Alien | Instagram | Facebook

  17. Deve ser mesmo bom, eu gostaria de aumentar o meu tratamento com a pele principalmente depois de tirar a maquilhagem e esse óleo até pode ajudar e até tenho a pele oleosa, mas mesmo assim vou experimentar.

  18. Eu, pessoalmente, adoro óleos desmaquilhantes. Actualmente tenhonum da L’oreal mas o meu favorito é o da Clarins. 😍

    Beijinho e gostei muito do Post! 💋

  19. Nice face oil! I definitely use one as part of my night routine.

  20. I never use cleansing oil before, usually only micellar water and facial foam. But it seems such a good product , thanks for sharing ^^

    TORI CHU | TCFS Double Proof Brow

  21. obrigado, minha querida :D

    :o adoro e estou a precisar! Deve ser incrível!

    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  22. obrigada pelo comentário <3
    esse produto parece ser maravilhoso :D

  23. Eu sou doida para experimentar um óleo para limpar a pele, mas aqui ainda não tem nenhum bom e com preço acessível.
    Esse parece super bom mesmo, ainda mais que não deixou a pele oleosa e nem causou acne!

    Cores do Vício

  24. Nice post and review.
    Looks like an amazing product.


  25. Oi, Adriana!

    Nunca utilizei um produto desse tipo... Confesso que fiquei curiosa!
    Além de sua avaliação positiva, achei a embalagem tão bonita!

    Abraços, Cris

  26. Não conhecia mas fiquei curiosa! Gosto muito de utilizar óleo de coco!
    Beijinho, Ana Rita*

  27. This product sounds amazing especially on delicate skins like mine!
    I'd love to try it! :D

  28. Olá, adorei a dica, não conhecia o produto
    me parece ótimo! Arrasou
    Boa semana, bjs

  29. This product sounds nice. I love using cleasing oils, especially from a K-beauty brand. I used it every night to remove sunblock or makeup or both :) I prefer it than other makeup removers.

    xx Alyssa | STYLE VANITY

  30. Tenho achado muito interessante que se tem falado mais sobre os cuidados coreanos com a pele, é sempre bom aprender mais e nunca é cedo pra começar a se cuidar.
    Gostei desse óleo, parece ser bom!

  31. Looks like a great product that does its job. Greetings.

  32. Adoro limpar o rosto com óleos de limpeza e por isso, este vai direitinho para a minha wishlist. Parece incrível babe!


  33. Such a great product. I like fact that it is cruelty free and result on skin.

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  34. Esse eu não conhecia! Porém aparenta ser maravilhoso!
    A resenha ficou ótima!

  35. Gostei mesmo da review e nem conhecia o produto! Mas óleos cruelty-free são sempre bem vindos! E sempre ouvi falar bem de K-Beauty, tenho mesmo que experimentar! :)

    She Walks Blog
    It's Shewalks Instagram

  36. Eu não conhecia a marca, mas parece que é um bom produto.

  37. I didn't know this cleansing, but it seems nice, I haven't tried any cleansing in oil yet ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

  38. I don't use much the cleansing oil but this presentation and review is very interesting!

  39. The fruity scent to this product sounds lovely and it's great to come across another cruelty-free brands in the world of skincare :) Hope you're having a lovely week so far!

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice | Worldwide Giveaway: Hotel Chocolat Halloween Hamper! x

  40. Achei muito legal a ideia desse produto, nunca tinha visto nada parecido. Tenha um ótimo dia, beijos!

    Blog Paisagem de Janela

  41. This one sounds like a nice cleanser. I personally love oil cleansers and they are so effective in removing makeup. I also use them in my eye area XD thank you so much for the lovely review!
